4path’s Participation in the Midwest Podiatry Conference
4path was proud to be a participant in the 2016 Midwest Podiatry Conference on March 31 – April 2, 2016.
We enjoyed meeting all of the participants, including Podiatrists, Assistants and Vendors too!
Wound Healing Dynamics Presentation by Dr. Ruby
On Saturday morning, Dr. Stephen G. Ruby, Medical Director of 4path, Ltd. Laboratory presented a short course “Wound Healing Dynamics”.
In that presentation, Dr. Ruby reviewed the normal wound healing process, from initial injury through to final “mature” wound repair. In addition, some of the common causes of transformation of normal wound healing to abnormal “chronic wounds” was reviewed.
A replay of the lecture will be uploaded to this site in the near future. Be sure to come back and revisit this highly regarded presentation.
Comments on the Wound Healing Dynamics Presentation
Some of the Podiatrists in attendance provided these remarks:
“A comprehensive, yet easy to understand review of normal wound healing”
“I have been doing wound care for almost 10 years, and your lecture provided me with insight that I had not had previously”.
“Elements of your presentation provided me with the insight why certain treatment modalities that I use worked. Thanks!”
Click listen to a audio recording of the presentation.
PLEASE NOTE: This is an unedited version of the presentation, so there may be audio issues and a short period without the presentation at the beginning. The presentation starts at 1:30.